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تحميل Messenger Plus Live 2010 الجديد للتحميل برنامج ماسنجر بيلس
Messenger Plus! Live 4.83.372 2010
برنامج Messenger Plus 2010 الحديث , برنامج ماسنجر بلس الجديد هو احد اهم الاضافات لبرنامج الماسنجر حيث يعمل على اضافة خصائص جديده للماسنجر ومميزات رائعه جدا اهمها الشكل الجذاب والشفافيه ثم الادوات الصوتيه فتستطيع اضافة اصوات للماسجر بيلس وكذلك برنامج ماسنجر بيلس يمكنك من فتح و تشغيل اكثر من ايميل فى وقت واحد .. بالفعل برنامج ممتاز وغنى عن التعريف لكنى قمت فقط بتوضيح وتوصيف بسيط للبرنامج لمن يجهله ..
Messenger Plus! Live is an add-on for Windows Live Messenger that adds tons of features and extras to the software. Extend the possibilities of Messenger and make your experience a lot more entertaining!
The only thing needed to use Messenger Plus! Live is Windows Live Messenger (the latest version of MSN Messenger) which requires Windows XP or above. Messenger Plus! Live is compatible with Windows Live Messenger 8.0 to 14.0 (2009) and can be installed on 32bit and 64bit versions of Windows XP to Windows 7.
Installed more than 500 million times since 2001, when it started as a simple add-on for MSN Messenger 3, Messenger Plus! is guaranteed to improve your Messenger experience by leaps and bounds. You won't just get a couple of new options, what you'll get is a whole new dimension for the Windows Live Messenger software.
Messenger Plus! adds lots of capabilities to Windows Live Messenger. The new features can be accessed easily from the various Plus! menus and buttons you'll find added to all the main Messenger windows. Here is a short list of some of the features most people enjoy in
size: 4 M
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Messenger Plus! Live 4.83.372 2010
برنامج Messenger Plus 2010 الحديث , برنامج ماسنجر بلس الجديد هو احد اهم الاضافات لبرنامج الماسنجر حيث يعمل على اضافة خصائص جديده للماسنجر ومميزات رائعه جدا اهمها الشكل الجذاب والشفافيه ثم الادوات الصوتيه فتستطيع اضافة اصوات للماسجر بيلس وكذلك برنامج ماسنجر بيلس يمكنك من فتح و تشغيل اكثر من ايميل فى وقت واحد .. بالفعل برنامج ممتاز وغنى عن التعريف لكنى قمت فقط بتوضيح وتوصيف بسيط للبرنامج لمن يجهله ..
Messenger Plus! Live is an add-on for Windows Live Messenger that adds tons of features and extras to the software. Extend the possibilities of Messenger and make your experience a lot more entertaining!
The only thing needed to use Messenger Plus! Live is Windows Live Messenger (the latest version of MSN Messenger) which requires Windows XP or above. Messenger Plus! Live is compatible with Windows Live Messenger 8.0 to 14.0 (2009) and can be installed on 32bit and 64bit versions of Windows XP to Windows 7.
Installed more than 500 million times since 2001, when it started as a simple add-on for MSN Messenger 3, Messenger Plus! is guaranteed to improve your Messenger experience by leaps and bounds. You won't just get a couple of new options, what you'll get is a whole new dimension for the Windows Live Messenger software.
Messenger Plus! adds lots of capabilities to Windows Live Messenger. The new features can be accessed easily from the various Plus! menus and buttons you'll find added to all the main Messenger windows. Here is a short list of some of the features most people enjoy in
size: 4 M
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