• مرحبًا بكم في منصة منتديات صقر الجنوب التعليمية!
    أهلا ومرحبا بكم في مجتمعنا أنت حاليا تشاهد المعهد كزائر و التي لاتعطيك سوى خيارات التصفح المحدودة الاشتراك لدينا مجاني ولايستغرق سوى لحظات قليلة حتى تتمكن من المشاركة والتفاعل معنا

ملف اناشيد انجليزيه بكلماتها~متجدد~

مہجہرد إنہسہآن

ادارة الموقع
27 أغسطس 2009
مستوى التفاعل
الطفيلة الهاشمية
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ..

!÷! إهــ ـــ ــداء !÷!

إلى كل مُحبٍ للنشيد الإسلامي النقيّ.. الخالي من الموسيقى المحرّمة

إلى كل من ترك سماع الغناء المحرّم -عربيًا أو أجنبيًا- لوجه الله..

إليكم جميعًا.. أهدي هذا الملف.. الذي طالما احتجتُ لوجوده..

راجيةً من الله تعالى أن يكون ذا فائدة لكل من طلبها

!÷! ملحـ ــ ــوظة !÷!

بحثنا كثيرًا.. لنجد إصدارات بدون موسيقى أو إيقاع أو طبل للأناشيد..

لأن أغلب المنشدين للأسف يستخدمون الموسيقى..

بل إن بعضهم يحسبون الطبول دفوفًا..

لذا كان إعداد الملف صعبًا..


مہجہرد إنہسہآن

ادارة الموقع
27 أغسطس 2009
مستوى التفاعل
الطفيلة الهاشمية

O what a wonderful world this would be
If we all open our eyes to see
He is all that we need right now
And we can all come together somewhere...somehow

His door is open no matter who you are
Just take the first step, you'll see it's not so far
Down this road that holds all the answers
Open you heart to something greater

His Holy Book speaks pure and true
And always tells us what we must do
His last Prophet was sent as a guide
An example by which we abide

There is salvation for those who seek
To find the one and only source of Peace
An understanding of why we are here
Who created us, who we must fear

O what a wonderful world this would be
If we all open our eyes to see
He is all that we need right now
And we can all come together somewhere...somehow

Such different people from different lands
We're all descendants of the first Man
We can be one nation facing one God
With no hatred, no envy, no war

Created Equal are you and I
Which of His favours can we ever Deny
We may everything or nothing at all
But our purpose lies with this call

To worship him, to praise him all day
Onto the straight path, let's not go astray
He is the Greatest and most Merciful
And everything acts upon His Will

O what a wonderful world this would be
If we all open our eyes to see
He is all that we need right now
And we can all come together somewhere...somehow

Like every sunrise that brings forth each day
Brings new meaning, New Hope, a new way
Such is the Blessing bestowed upon us
Every hardship and heartache will pass

From the Mountains to the Deep blue sea
Everything in perfect Harmony
And as the stars fill the evening sky
Without us sensing, life is passing by

So if you want a solution, my friend
Seize this Moment, this Day before it ends
Turn to him, Don't you see it's so clear
Believe in Allah, He's always near

O what a wonderful world this would be
If we all open our eyes to see
He is all that we need right now
And we can all come together somewhere...somehow

مہجہرد إنہسہآن

ادارة الموقع
27 أغسطس 2009
مستوى التفاعل
الطفيلة الهاشمية

Which of Allah's favours can we deny?
Above all creatures, he chose us to be high
To him we belong, to hime is our return
Life in this world is only sojourn

To the angels he commanded that man be respected
Shaytaan heeded not and so was he rejected
Compared to the angels we are but clay
As long as Allah we obey, we'll not go astray
As the best of his creation only us did he deem
This for us is honour this high esteem
His qudrat it is that cause winds to blow
He gives us provision so that we may grow

Which of Allah's favours can we deny?
Above all creatures, he chose us to be high
To him we belong, to hime is our return
Life in this world is only sojourn

To lead man astray, shaytaan made a vow
None can mislead us if to Allah we bow
It's a task to be free from shaytaan's treachery
Iman is our weapon, it's Allah's mercy

Which of Allah's favours can we deny?
Above all creatures, he chose us to be high
To him we belong, to hime is our return
Life in this world is only sojourn

Allah is our creator, he gave us dignity
We face evil each day, in him there is serenity
At the time appointed the world shall perish
Hope for hereafter's success is what we cherish

To show the way he sent prophets to guide
Life may be pleasant, his laws we must abide
Muhammed was the last, rahmatullil-aalameen
Through him Allah sent al-qur'aan al-mubeen

Which of Allah's favours can we deny?
Above all creatures, he chose us to be high
To him we belong, to hime is our return
Life in this world is only sojourn
21 نوفمبر 2011
مستوى التفاعل
يسلمووووووووووووووو هالادين

لك جزيل الشكر اخي ابو بشار على كل ما تقدمو من فائدة
والله عاجز عن شكرك .................