• مرحبًا بكم في منصة منتديات صقر الجنوب التعليمية!
    أهلا ومرحبا بكم في مجتمعنا أنت حاليا تشاهد المعهد كزائر و التي لاتعطيك سوى خيارات التصفح المحدودة الاشتراك لدينا مجاني ولايستغرق سوى لحظات قليلة حتى تتمكن من المشاركة والتفاعل معنا

maomries in english

مہجہرد إنہسہآن

ادارة الموقع
27 أغسطس 2009
مستوى التفاعل
الطفيلة الهاشمية
When I was standing at the door of my house , I heard a random sounds it seemed to me like my ants sound , when I opened the door a saw my ante was a raying , I looked at her then the children of my ante was keeping silent , I asked what happened silent , but nobody told me , this silent made me frighnted deeply , I repeted saying what's up ? There is someone died? Suddenly my brother brought me out and told me that the hasband of my ante had married. "Oh my gad, this is disaster, I cant belive that, how and why " I said.
Then I entered to the room where my ante stayed , I looked to her eyes , there were ariver of tears flow from her eyes , I sat beside her to wipe her tears , she looked at me than she said " this is my last , I tried to make him the happiest man in the world , I forgot my self to be liked adollin his lands.
I made all of what I can to let him live in aheaven , I sacrired every thing to help him be always ******* all the time I stood for all difficulties because he was with me and now without any introduction he heft me alone .
- Doesn't cry be relax, tell me how did you know? did he tell you or any one else
- All of who were around him know him very evell bur not as me.
I know him from his eyes , I know what he want without saying that , you know that we were like to birds love each other , everyone used to envy…….good relation and so we were but through three mouths I started to feel that he is anthor person , his behaviors his looks , even his eyes became new , sometimes I was feeling that I don’t know him , so I was keeping asking him about these changes but his was living in anthor world , this world which I haven’t any place for me in it and he was repeating the same answer "I'm busy in the work not more than that " , the days stilled passé and may doubt had increased but because of my sons , I kept all the pains in my heart , I painted a yellow smile was keeping my tears until he leaves the house , just to save the happiness in his heart , I took all the sad from him and full it in my heart .
He used to talk with us , to play with his children , bring us out when we were boring , but after the changed he became another person although hw was trying to make us not to feel of these changes , he succed with all whom he knows these change exept me . I'm the only person although who felt with him , but today at the morning I pleased him to tell me the truth and I will stand for any thing " because I wanted to be know what the reason of these changes m but he shocked me when he said " I have married" realy at that moment thought that I was a reaming – I kept silent for a moment to hear his voiced assures this news , I turned to mod person broke every thing were front of me , I cryed , and aryed my children asked me what happened , I gold them to know their father whom they love , rana and hala were keeping silent but yousef tried to becalm me by saying " now I'm 12 years old , I can help you , we don’t need him any more " he took the phone and he told him " we don’t need then you " but hala took the phone from yousefs land and started to cry . She said to him " come …………babe don’t leave us " she refused to come with me until I told her that we will retern. you know that hala is the smallest one and she is his spoiler , Rana as you see her , she didn’t talk any word to anyone I'm freighted because she loves her father more than any one in the world . She is now bringing up don’t keep arying and go to my bed, try to close your eyes I will take care of your children.
After along conversation she want to sleep and I was sure couldn’t sleep that night. I heard her sighs which makes me so sad and heart broken , her children increased the sad ness in my heart when I heard their talking which made me think of what is the something which let him children . Without thinking of there feeling. They were discussing about who will stay the mother and who will stay with the fathe if they part with each other thy ask themselves about if they made any thing made him angry , everyone blaimead the other about something he did in the past even it was simple thing but it seems to them a great thing .
This night was difficult night to us. I think it was a difficult night to my uncle too because it was the first night he is away from his children.
The sun rise , the night passed hardly , waked up and look to my ante it seemed to me she hasn’t sleep an hour she smiled alier smile just to say to me " I'm good bow " because I know she likes the morning coffee , I prepared to drink it together but it was the first time to drink the with me without saying an thing even her smile disapperd to show the river of tears . My mother got up and sat with us then she started to talk with my ante she asked her what will she do? My ante answered her " I want to ask him the divoce, I willnt stay with him any more because he is selfish he betrayed me without thinking of our days, our years and his children whom he love " .my mother: - don’t think our that way , don’t lay waist your house which you build try to find anther way which keeps your dignity and keep your children .
Me:- I'm with my mother if you ask the divorce you will be self fish like him; try to find the solution just to keep your live.
I think she got into ones head of our words she started to think how she can wake him retern to his family without losing her diguity but she asked from us to not call him because she wants wait him to call .
I left him to prepare my self to go the university I decided to take rana with me , I wanted her to forget something of the sadness when we were at the university her phone rang , she surprised I saw a happy look in her eyes while she was saying to me " this is my father, I'm sure he miss us" she said hello then she couldn’t keep talking because she started to cry I took the phone and talk with him . I asked him" why did you do that "?
He answerd me "do you belive me if a said the you that I'm self didn’t know why? But I want all of you know I want her forgive me. Please, give me rana I want to talk with her ". I gave the mobile to rana I pleased her to talk with him than he asked her that " how is your mother , hala and yousef she said that " they aren’t good my mother always cry also yousef and hala we all miss you , you know we can't live without us , baba , com to my ante house and bring us back .
He: - no, not today, I will let your mother to be calme to days. really , I felt sadness at that moment , because it was the first time to see the sadness in child's eyes I asked my self a million of question about what make him let his children and his past for anew life he didn’t anything about it .
I made all of what I can to make rana feel better but I can't paint the smile on her mouth she tried to make me feel she was good. But I was in her heart w knew how it beats.
When we retern to the house my mother called me and told me that my ante my ante didn’t put any thing in her mouth she didn’t exit form the room.
I went to her and I tyred to talk with her in spite of my continous speaking she didn’t look at me once or even smiled but when yousef entered to the room and holed her she smiled she said that " even he let you but I'll nt do like him I'll be strong because of you .
All of us was afraid of talk with her about the subject we tried to make her feel we forgot it but ma father had the first stem and he asked her what she wants and if she can forgive him ' she cryed and she aryed and she told my father that h can't live with Prather , I want him be just for me and for his children .
Tow days passed hardly we felt that he willn't call or ask about them my ante hadn’t ate any thing in spite of our trying. at after noon the ring of the door rang I opened the door I shocked when I saw him then invented him to enter I ran to my ante to tell her but I surprised when I knew that she smelted his smell and she felt that he is here at the first he sat an hour my father all of us were very freighnted from my ante dicision her children didn’t stop ask me about what will happen ? If I think they will come back together even thy didn’t stop disusing with whom they stay for me their talking was like a knife in my heart. my ante was keeping silent , she didn’t breath any word she was looking to her children but this time without trying when my father entered to the room I felt of her heart beating fastly she looked at him I think she wanted to ask him about what happen but there was some thing denied her my father sat beside her he told her that : he want to talk with you , he asked from you anther chance she agreed , she want to the room where he was sitting .

We thought at that moment there is something will happen she will shout , cry , or she will by angry but she was very calm and relax she sat beside him she started to blame him he was ashy from him self she asked him about the qualities of the second wife and if she could make him happy why he prefare her on his children at first he kept silent then he said that " I didn’t know what happened and if you want to know her just at the mirror she seems exactly like you her smile her hear every thing but she hasn’t a romantic feeling like you, you know that you are my life I can't love a women exept you but I didn’t know the worth of having a great women like you and now I'm between your hands you can do any thing you want but please forgive me
- My ante: - when you get married of her?
- her husband :- from tow weeks out believe me I regret from the second day and when I was retaining to the house and looked at you an my children I was asking my self why I did something like this ?
- what is the yousef of the regret you broked my heart ant hurted me in a worst way you through the pains on my heart
- I know I caused to you the pains and the shocked to my children but now I want you to forgive me because I regretted and I want to correct my mistake because I can't live without you please think of out life think of our happiness, forgive me because of our past our relation and our children .
- How you ask me to think? why you hadn’t think of the all that but just for my children I will for give you should listen to my conditions you must divorce her and no one sall know about your married .
- Ok, I' am agree and now call the children to prepare yourself to go home.
- No I can't we willn't come back to gather before you divorce her.
He left after he said good bye to the children his tears were showen although he tried to hide it when hala started to cry and pleased him to leave him we tried to let her be relax we said to her .
The tow days passed very slowly. We didn’t know any thing about him he tried to call my ante many time but she wasn’t answering him
Once I adviced her to can much him come back to her and to inuint something new in their venation, like to call him like tow lover no body know a abut their velation because every man search a bout the madness in love and to try to let him find in her the woman whom – he love not the wife.
After along thought she found something right in my opinion so she started his calling she was talking with him for hors. and they deciadeel to meeting without knowing of any boy exept me she want asking him about any thing of his new mavieel , he made him to feel that she wants just him not anything else.
Tow weeks passed but there was nothing to happen she started to feel boring of this velation she though the he forgot the promises which he promise to her she spend the nights with frigntead of ehargigng his dicision she weel to look at her cluidvens eyes but the most bad thing which was making her very Angove is her thiwking of tis existence beside onther woman , we was making all of what we can to make her just smil but aleays we was fouling .
One day we wave sitting all of . us when yousef entered and started to crying , we all thought that there was something great happen , we askeel wim buck he didn’t answer , he didn’t answer , he continued crying and crying then he hold his wither and pleases her to comeback to his father .my ante kept silent to calm him with alier word when he became calm . Hala started to cry and cry we didn’t know what did happen she made the same thing like yousef we thought that she just tried to imitate particularly she used to imitate him so we made the same thiy with hala but she didn’t stop crying she told us that" I want my father now and we must go home now " when my ante heard these words shouted at them she said that to him" go to your father who let you , go and let me alone" this was the difficult moment , I realized at that same time
Hala became calm but rana brought me out and asked me if she can call her father I told her that is the best way to help her mother and her brother < she called him he answered her , he asked about them , but she didn’t answered him she blamed him he told her that the causes of all that is her mother because he a apologized and he do all what he can to make them come back to each other , she asked : I don’t need anything from the world exept you realy I want my family you willn't believe me if I tell you I hadn’t slept from the day when you left me alone " rana believed her father and they for give him and to forget the pairs .
My ante hadn’t go out exept when she was going to meet her husband before a week so rana pleased her to go out with her to buy a dress .my ante agreed after many trying from rana they go out with hala and yousef at the way rana pleased her mother to go home bring some things she need at the first my ante refused this idea but she agreed because they reminded her that their father will not be there hw will be at his work she had to agree because of hala and yousef trying .
I know that she was frighted of seeing her house after along time and her heart will burn her tears will be showe because she will see in every where a remembrance .
When they arrived the home she couldn’t open the door because her hand were trembling . Rana took the key and opened the door she entered and she surprised from all thing that were being in the house , there were a lot of hearts which were painted on the walls she walked slowly step while she read the beautiful expressions which were written like prince waits his bride to kiss her hand then to ask from her to dance with him she agreed and they danced . her eyes were shouting to tell him that " I still love you although she felt that she met him at the first hi me their eyes talked to each other the words which they can't said but suddenly she stopped when she relized the absent of the children before a moment they were with her but where are they now he laugh then he told her that " we agreed on you and they are outside how they helped me because they want us to come back together .
Pleased hot for hs but for nor children forgive me hot just for my childven I will forgive you bout because I cant live without you
They called the children , he asked them to prepared their self to go journey . after he promised them that he will divorce the second wife after a month to sawe her valuation
They went to Amman , they spent lovely day like the past the children were very happy because the we heard the hews , we thanked god about every thing .
Now after tow months from this action , my ante sit front of me , she smiles like the past , the children are very happy , that father knows the worth of baring beside them

مہجہرد إنہسہآن

ادارة الموقع
27 أغسطس 2009
مستوى التفاعل
الطفيلة الهاشمية
Now after tow months from this action , my ante sit front of me , she smiles like the past , the children are very happy , that father knows the worth of baring beside them