• مرحبًا بكم في منصة منتديات صقر الجنوب التعليمية!
    أهلا ومرحبا بكم في مجتمعنا أنت حاليا تشاهد المعهد كزائر و التي لاتعطيك سوى خيارات التصفح المحدودة الاشتراك لدينا مجاني ولايستغرق سوى لحظات قليلة حتى تتمكن من المشاركة والتفاعل معنا

الكلام المنقول Reported Speech شرح بالبوربوينت

مہجہرد إنہسہآن

ادارة الموقع
27 أغسطس 2009
مستوى التفاعل
الطفيلة الهاشمية
الكلام المنقول Reported Speech
شرح بالبوربوينت وهو من عملي
وبحقوق ملتقى طلاب الأردن

اتمنى الافادة للجميع

اضغط هنا


الإدارة العامة
24 يونيو 2010
مستوى التفاعل
في قلب حبيبي
يعطيك الف عافيه على جهودك الرائعه

في اختيار المواضيع المفيده

23 أبريل 2011
مستوى التفاعل
عفوا أخي انا ببعت رد بس الرابط ما بيفتح وماعم استفيد شي
17 مايو 2011
مستوى التفاعل
[FONT=&quot] Derivations ( [/FONT]Set by: ( [FONT=&quot]Bassam Kenani[/FONT] )

* Verbs: ( وجود الفعل في الجملة أساسي، وتكون الجملة ناقصة بدونه) Form: الشكل

Origin (الأصل )
-ise / -ize​
-en / en-​
Use / Position :
1- After these verbs : ( بعد هذه الأفعال )
A) modals : will/would, shall/ should, can/could, may/might, must.
B) do/does, did , would rather (would sooner) , had better.
C) make/let/help + o. (+ base).
e.g: 1. The new applicants should identify their choices.
2. The police did investigate in the issue.
3. I’d rather distribute leaflets of my project before setting it up.
4. The teacher let the students behave as they like during the journey.
2- After “to” ( in order to , so as to , going to , used to , about to , … ) ) to بعد)
e.g: 1. She got M.A. so as to qualify for her new position.
2. My brother was able to socialize with those African people in Senegal.
3. He traveled to Europe to participate in a few conferences.
3- After the subject of a sentence. ( or between the subject and the object )
بعد الفاعل ( أو بين الفاعل و المفعول به )
e.g: 1. My parents always encourage my sister to study computer.
s. o.
2. The engineers apply the new plans now and then.
s. o.
* Adverbs ( وجود الظرف/الحال غير ضروري في الجملة ) Form : ( _ ly )
1- Before and after the verb. قبل و بعد الفعــل
e.g: 1. They secretly left the town two weeks ago.
2. My uncle swims skillfully in the seas.
3. She carefully picked up the pieces of the broken glass.
2- After the object . بعد المفعــول به
e.g: 1. The manager spoke French fluently in the seminar. 2. They are trying to complete the race successfully.

3- At the beginning of a clause/sentence followed by a comma.في بداية العبارة/الجملة متبوعة
e.g: 1. Eventually, it stopped raining. بفاصلة
2. He invented a powerful gun; ironically, he was killed by it.
4- Before adjectives or other adverbs. قبل الصفات أو الظروف الأخرى
e.g: 1. satellites became increasingly popular.
2. The police were extremely sorry about the whole arrest.
3. Our team played comparatively badly in the last match.
ملاحظة : نضع ظرف/حال ( -ly) في الحالات التالية :​
1. إذا جاء الفراغ بين فعل مساعد و فعل رئيسي He is -----talking about his plan.​
2. إذا جاء الفراغ بين /become/seem/look be و صفة He was ----- sensitive​
3. إذا جاء الفراغ بين الفاعل و الفعل My father ----- climbed Mount Rum.​
* Nouns (وجود الاسم ضروري في الجملة )
Form الشكل
decision , promotion , dedication , complexion , temptation
assessment , movement , recruitment , bereavement
fitness , breathlessness , sleeplessness , hapiness , illness
personality , identity , barbarity , security
-ance/ ence
arrogance , disturbance , independence , allegiance
democracy , legacy , accuracy , fluency
vandalism , criticism , socialism , communism
arrival , removal , approval , upheaval , betrayal , betrothal
strength , length , depth , width
Pressure , mixture , venture ,
shortage , package , baggage , orphanage
manhood , childhood , motherhood , brotherhood
relationship , friendship , membership , dictatorship
Kingdom , freedom , wisdom
researcher , supplier , mixer , admirer
visitor , mentor , predator , actor , inventor
typist , zoologist , nationalist , impressionist
participant , defendant , pleasant
musician , christian , librarian
Position / function : الموقع / الوظيفة
1. As a subject or an object of the verb كفاعل أو مفعول به
e.g: Security will be obtained in the end.
Management limits personality
2. After : A- prepositions ( at, on, in, for, by, of, from, with, about, before, after,…)
B- possessives ( my, our, your, his, her, its, their, the doctor’s, Ahmad’s )
C- determiners, articles, intensifiers , …( a/an, the, some, any, no,
only, neither, nor, every, each, another, this, that, all, few, little, much ,
another , ….) & after more / most (at the beginning of a sentence)
بعد حروف الجر ، و ضمائر الملكية، و أدوات التعريف و التحديد و التشديد ...
e.g: 1- He suffers from dislocation in Africa.
2- Before occupation, they damaged every thing in the town.
3- Jordan’s investment in industry has been successful.
4- My reaction depends on his behaviour.
5- There wasn’t any reduction in the number of the employees in the factory.
6- Most encouragement comes from relatives.
6- The dedication of my father to his work is unique.
3) After adjectives بعد الصفات
e.g: 1- We saw the large entrance of the castle from a far distance.
2- There is continual disturbance of vehicles passing near my house.
4- A complement of “be”[ am/is/are, was/were ] with a relative clause.
(أحيانا : تكملة لفعل الكون( مع جملة وصل​
e.g: 1- It is allegiance that /which you should take care of.
2- The trait that I hated in him was interference.
* ملاحظة هامة : قبل أن نضع الاسم علينا دائما أن ننظر إلى ما بعد الفراغ ، [FONT=&quot]فإن [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot] كان الاسم موجودا نضع صفة. [/FONT]​
* Adjectivesوجود الصفة ضروري في بعض الحالات ولكنه غير ضروري في حالات أخرى ) )
Form :
impressive , creative, aggressive , sensitive
favourable , accessible , charitable , remarkable , flexible
-able / ible
useful , careful , successful , tearful
useless , careless , homeless , breathless
famous , courteous , dangerous , luminous
identical , imperial , preferential , universal , global
selfish , foolish , childish
interesting , computing , glittering , lasting , stimulating
interested , surprised , isolated , embroidered
-ed / p.p.
apologetic , despotic , economic
necessary , customary , voluntary , honorary
lenient , competent , tolerant , indifferent , convenient
-ent / ant
rainy , dusty , wealthy , smoky , greasy

Position : الموقع
1) Before its noun. قبل الاسم الذي تصفه
e.g: - My brother studied administrative sciences.
- They had to face dangerous creatures.
2) Between )determiners/prepositions/ possessives( and )nouns(
بين(أدوات التعريف أو حروف الجر أو ضمائر الملكية) و( الأسماء)
e.g : - Pollution is a universal problem.
- They suffered from dusty atmospheres.
- His impressive speech revived hope in the population.
- That tearful woman is a big liar.
3) After certain verbs: be(am/is/are…) , seem/look/appear , become, get, feel, grow
e.g: - I’m sure your brother was aggressive. بعد هذه الأفعال
- Information and knowledge became accessible. ) (هـنا وجود الصفة ضروري
- The police looked apologetic about the arrest.
- They felt embarrassed when we revealed their mistakes.

4) Between ( be + as... as )
e.g : - He was as generous as his father.
ملاحظة هامة(1) : إذا جاء الفراغ بعد هذه الكلمات ( very, quite, too, so, the most ) ننظر إلى ما قبل هذه الكلمات ، فان كان من ( be/am/is/are ( look/seem/appear/become,فيكون الجواب صفة ، أما إن كان من الأفعال الرئيسية ( drive, speak, play... ) فيكون الجواب ظرف ( -ly )
[FONT=&quot]e.g: 1-My uncle [/FONT][FONT=&quot]is[/FONT][FONT=&quot] very careful in rainy weathers. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]But (- My uncle [/FONT][FONT=&quot]drives[/FONT][FONT=&quot] very carefully in rainy weathers ) [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot] 2- The little girl [/FONT][FONT=&quot]looked[/FONT][FONT=&quot] so energetic in the festival.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]But (- The little girl [/FONT][FONT=&quot]worked[/FONT][FONT=&quot] so energetically in the festival )[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot] 3- Ahmad’s picture [/FONT][FONT=&quot]was[/FONT][FONT=&quot] the most beautiful one in the gallery.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]But (- Ahmad [/FONT][FONT=&quot]draws[/FONT][FONT=&quot] the most beautifully in the class.) [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot] [/FONT][FONT=&quot]ملاحظة هامة(2) [/FONT][FONT=&quot]: إذا جاء الفراغ بعد كلمة ( [/FONT][FONT=&quot] and[/FONT][FONT=&quot] ) ننظر إلى ما قبلها و نعتمد عليه في الإجابة ، حيث يكون ما بعد ([/FONT][FONT=&quot]and[/FONT][FONT=&quot]) معطوف على ما قبلها .[/FONT][FONT=&quot] [/FONT][FONT=&quot][/FONT]

e.g.: - The manager will come and distribute the prizes.
- She is looking for an honest and competent lawyer.
-To pass the exams, students need to organise their time well and concentrate on
the material of the exam.
- Queen Zein Al-Sharaf was an example of strength and fortitude to all Jordanians.
- Sports can physically and culturally express any community’s history.
- Football has provided people with a means of social and political expression.
- The Queen may arrive at ten and deliver a speech at eleven.

[FONT=&quot]Wish you the best of luck Bassam Kenani[/FONT]